Friday, March 10, 2017

This old post (originally written in 2014)

Not everything happens for a reason. The fair world view may fuel people to think that way. Many stories are about how if you "hadn't been to that place, that particular day" or if you "hadn't made that turn, or change your routine" then you would not have met an important person in your life or made a life changing decision, etc, etc.
But for some of us, that stopped believing that there is order in the world, things are simpler. Perhaps devoid of magic, but fantastic just the same. Fundamentally the world is random and chaotic. It is hard to predict many things. Whatever order exists is created by humans. The protestant work ethic so popular in the US, which often times annihilates the human spirit and severs the parts of life that are not work related (most notably leisure and art) also shows how the chaos can be tamed. The order is not imposed from above, from a unique source of infinite wisdom. The order is created from beneath by hard working people with good intentions and sometimes successful plans.

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