Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 - Expectations

New year, new expectations... I am posting this to officially post something this year. I have been talking to some of you who feel a bit sad if not depressed about the starting of the year. There is mess and lack of clarity, what happened with the brand new year? What happened to the clean 2010 notebook? Where is that new year smell? We do need time markers to organize ourselves, we people like beginnings a lot. However, let's remember that this is an arbitrary day. That the food we ate on Dec. 31st was still in our stomachs on Jan. 1st (at least that happened inside my body). There are things that we bring from the last year that we have not gotten rid off. All I am saying is that let's be kind to ourselves. In Spanish we say "A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando" which loosely translates into "Praying to God and swinging the hammer". Religious connotations aside, it means that we have to still wish for what we want, never lower our expectations, never castrate our dreams. But at the same time, we have to work to achieve what we want, we have to bust our butts. I think we all remember times in our lives when we have felt "boy have I worked hard today". Well, that is the idea, every day we should feel we did our best, we gave our all. All of this, without being unkind to our selves. If we are not nice to our sensitive selves, who will be? Ok, there is a bunch of clichèd truisms for you. I hope I didn't waste your time too much...

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