Friday, November 20, 2009

A trainful of douches...

First, I would like to state, that the word "douche" seems to be "ok" to general audiences as its usage has increased in the last year on t.v.

So, lately, I have been using NJ transit trains more often that I had before. I have to go to NYC and the quickest way is to use a train. Now, our town is the first one in a string of towns in Bergen County, NJ, where apparently the gross income per capita is one of the highest in the country ( old facts now, but a reference).
In any case, I have noticed that when I board the train everyone is sitting by themselves, even though the seats could seat two or three people. And oddly enough, everyone has placed a bag, computer case, or similar item right next to them blocking the seat immediately next to them.
So I have to walk an unnecessary amount of train car to find a place to seat.
Do these people pay for the two seats? Do these people realize that they are on a collective space? Do these people realize that the "mass" in mass transportation means that more people will be riding with you?
I have no choice but to think that they are douche bags. Women, men and young douche bags.
They think they are cool because they don't drive into the city (thank you for not screwing the planet further!) but they are so cool that they cannot sit next to you commoners.
As far as I am concerned, anyone can sit next to me, you know why? because I rode the subway almost exclusively for for 5 years and before that I rode in buses in Costa Rica for 25. I have smelled, felt and seen all kinds of people as I transported myself to where I needed to go. And that is ok, because we are born in a planet full of people.
Wake up upper Bergen County douche bags!

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