Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fear to exist- Miedo de existir

When I am able to take two steps away and see it, then I can tame it. But most of the time it just lurks in my operational self and directs what I do or don't do. Mostly what I don't do. It is the fear that whatever I want or should do will make me unwanted or labeled as mischievous. So I don't write that e-mail because I feel the repercusions. What if they say no? What if someone gets mad at me? And I don't write postings on this blog, or anywhere because what if I compromise my privacy? what about my family's well being? (which could be somehow compromised by me expressing my thoughts freely).
So, in essence, this is a fear of existing as I am inside of my head and heart. And that, ladies and gentlemen, I don't post more often to this blog. I am still finding my Lime Tree and yet, it is here for me to climb.